
Showing posts from June, 2015

iPad Air screen replacement

Just finished another iPad Air screen replacement.

iPhone 6 Repair

Since the iPhone 6 release in September 2014, their user base has continued to grow steadily. All Canadians stuck in their iPhone 4 - 3 year contract are finally off the hook and able to purchased the newer, faster, slicker and bigger phone. The newer 6 and 6 plus are just as vulnerable to breakage as their older counterpart. I personally find them the most slippery of all iPhones and for my first time,  I started using a case. So if your iPhone decides to fly out of your hand or you inadvertently sit on it, since your only pocket that's big enough is your back pocket, please call text or email Fraser Valley iPhone Repair. We continue to use original parts and perform our repairs on front of you. For the most professional service in the Fraser Valley, call us.